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Boys' Hostel
Hindu College Hostel

Hindu College Boys' Hostel

Hostels in academic institutions are the epicenter of the dynamics of the campus life. Spread over vast area and surrounded by green cover, encompassing gardens, inside and outside lawns, Hindu College Hostel, for over a half century has been providing fuel and force to the life and motion of College’s liberal democratic academic culture. Hindu College Hostel, with its architectural grandeur and aesthetics, has been an abode to many luminaries in a wonderful kaleidoscope that the time-space spectrum is.

Situated next to the sports complex, the Hostel is a spacious structure with 119 rooms enclosing eight lawns with rose beds and hedges. The Hostel provides residential facilities to about two hundred undergraduate and postgraduate male students. The Common Room provides the residents recreational facilities such as Table-tennis, Carom-board, Chess-board, and a separate TV room apart from the newspapers and magazines to keep them on the qui vive.

Admissions are strictly on the basis of merit and the resident students are expected to maintain the spirit of camaraderie and dignity. The guiding principle for the Hindu College community has been to uphold democratic and egalitarian values and strive towards intellectual excellence.

Dr. Naorem Santakrus Singh, Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics is the current Warden.

The Hostel is managed by the Hostel Committee which is constituted by the Staff Council of the College and executed by the Warden in consultation with the Principal.

The Hostel Office and the Warden’s Residence, located within the Hostel premises, are integral part of the Hostel. There are several employees to look after the daily chores in the hostel. They include an office clerk, a mess manager, mess/room bearers, cooks, watchmen, janitors, gardener and a few others for kitchen and pantry work. In addition, there is a dry cleaner and a newspaper vendor to provide services to the resident students. The health services are made available to the residents by the WUS Health Center located within the University Campus.

Guests are not allowed to stay on the premises beyond 10 p.m. Anyone so found after 10pm. in any of the rooms/common spaces of the Hostel without a Hindu College Hostel Identity Card in his possession shall be treated as an unlawful presence and appropriate action wilt be initiated. No guests are allowed in a room in the absence of allottee.

A close male relative may be allowed to stay with a resident for a maximum of seven nights with prior permission of the Warden/Principal. The Guest/Visitor Register kept in the Hostel Office has to be filled and guest charges have to be paid in advance. After the expiry of the maximum stipulated period, the same guest cannot be shifted to some other resident of the Hostel. Under all circumstances it is the bonafide residents who are responsible for the conduct of their visitors/guests The Hostel/College Administration will enforce the strictest disciplinary measures with regard to visitors and guests.

Lady visitors are not allowed in the Hostel. However, a lady visitor may be allowed to stay in the visitor's room of the hostel for not more than two hours, that too, between 10:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.

Consumption of alcohol/intoxicants/smoking is strictly prohibited. Anyone found indulging in the above will be liable to face disciplinary action including expulsion from the Hostel.

Residents are responsible for the care and maintenance of furniture furnishings and fixtures provided to them at the time of admission. They are required to return the allotted furniture in good condition. Any damage of Hostel property or collection is liable to lead to a collective penalty on all bonafide residents of the Hostel. Residents are not permitted to use additional appliances such as coolers, heaters, and electric irons without the prior permission of the Warden. Appropriate charges will be levied for the use of such appliances.

Residents at all times are expected to conduct themselves with regard to the comfort and convenience of other residents. No resident is allowed to indulge in any activity in his room which may cause disturbance to others Playing of games and other lowdy and noisy activities in the corridors, Hostel-lawns or verandah is strictly forbidden. Residents are required to maintain cleanliness within the premises. Toilets, common spaces, lawns and adjoining areas of the Hostel should be kept clean.

Hindu College Hostel is a NO-SMOKING ZONE AND NO ALCOHOL-ZONE. Students would be required to fill up separate undertakings to abide by these requirements. They would be required to give an undertaking to maintain discipline in the Dining Hall. No student shall be allowed to enter the Kitchen (except the members of Mess Committee).

No student shall be allowed to take the meals to their rooms or outside the Dining Hall. The Warden/Principal/Members of the Hostel Committee have the right to enter any Hostel room whenever necessary even in the absence of the resident.

All the resident students have to vacate the Hostel on or before 16th May each year. The rooms would be re-allotted to old students after re-admission and checking their antecedents as per the rules and regulations of the Hostel. However, if a student has to appear for an examination of Univ. Of Delhi pertaining to his subject of study after 15th of May, he may be allowed to stay in the Hostel till the last date of Univ. Exam. after seeking prior approval from the warden. Such students should apply in writing to the warden on or before 10th May.

Every resident is required to abide by the rules and regulations of the Hostel. Anyone violating any rule will be liable to face disciplinary action. It should be noted that in the past, residents have been expelled for indulging in acts of misconduct. Residents are, therefore, required to read carefully all the above rules as well as Ordinance XV-B and XV-C of the University of Delhi Calendar and conduct themselves appropriately.


The guiding principle for the Hindu College community has been to uphold democratic and egalitarian values and strive towards intellectual excellence. Located on the College campus, the Hostel is the centre of academic, social and cultural activities. The College provides residential facilities for about two hundred undergraduate and postgraduate male students. Admissions are strictly on the basis of merit and the resident students are expected to maintain the spirit of camaraderie and dignity. Administration The Hostel is managed by the Hostel Committee which is constituted by the Staff Council of the College and executed by the Warden in consultation with the Principal. The term of the Hostel Committee is for one year and it is reconstituted as per the rules of the Staff Council (see Ordinance XVIII, University Calendar, Vol. 1).

The following shall be the composition of the Hostel Committee: The Hostel Committee shall have five members as under:

  • Warden who shall be ex-officio convener
  • A Senior ex-Warden and one member nominated by the Warden in consultation with the Principal
  • Two members elected by the Staff Council.

The Hostel Committee shall discuss and make recommendations regarding:

  • Admissions
  • Discipline of resident students
  • Maintenance and development of the Hostel
  • Any other matter pertaining to the Hostel
Hostel Student Council The residents of the Hostel shall elect members from among themselves to manage the affairs of the student community-The committee shall be called the Hostel Student Council with the following structure:
  • President (at least 2 years of prior stay in the Hostel)
  • Vice-President Mess
  • Secretary (at least 2 years of prior stay in the Hostel)
  • Cultural Secretary
  • Sports Secretary
  • Common Room Secretary
The term of the Hostel Student Council shall end on 15th May. Elections Warden shall conduct elections to the Hostel Student Council and in case of any dispute regarding rules, the decision of the Warden shall be final and binding. The Warden may take the assistance of the Hostel Committee in conducting elections. The following procedures should be followed with regard to elections of Hostel Student Council:
  1. Elections to Hostel Student Council shall be held every year not later than 30th September.
  2. All bonafide residents with at least one year of prior stay in the Hostel are eligible to vote
  3. The elections shall be held by a method of non-transferable single vote system and the voting shall take place through secret ballot.
  4. In case of a vacancy in the Hostel Student Council (due to resignation, removal or for any other reason) the Warden, in consultation with the Hostel Student Council, should either conduct fresh elections to fill it up within three weeks or nominate a member to the vacant post.



It shall be the duty of the President to:

  • Take prior permission of the Warden for all Hostel functions
  • ake such steps as may be deemed expedient by the Hostel Student Council to carry out the work of the Hostel in all matters within the competence of the Hostel Student Council
  • Prepare and keep the accounts of the Council relating to matters for which the Hostel Student Council is responsible and present such accounts to the General Body of the Hostel by the end of the academic session
  • Call meetings of the Hostel Student Council, preside over and conduct the meeting both of the General Body and the Hostel Student Council and exercise a casting vote in the event of a tie in voting in any meeting of the General Body or of the Hostel Student Council.

Vice President

It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to aid the President in all functions of the Hostel Student Council and maintain minutes of both the General Body and hostel Student Council meetings. The Warden shall ask the Vice-President to officiate as President in the event of leave/absence of the President for a period of not less than six days.

Mess Secretary:

It shall be the duty of the Mess Secretary to:

  • Coordinate between the Mess Committee and (he Hostel Student Council as well as the Warden
  • Preside over and conduct all meetings of the Mess Committee
  • In case the Mess Coordinator of the month cannot function on account of illness/leave of absence, the Warden may ask the Mess Secretary to officiate for the period
  • Submit all original bills for all purchases made to the mess in any given month within seven days of the end of that month to the Hostel Office with his signature and counter-signed by the Mess Coordinator of the month.

Mess Committee

  • There shall be d duty constituted Mess Committee of the Hostel consisting of the Mess Secretary and live other members (three of whom shall be elected and two will be nominated by the Warden in consultation with the P resident), the Mess Secretary shall be the convener of the Mess Committee
  • The Mess Committee shall meet at least once every month, the meeting of the Mess Committee shall be called by the Mess Secretary, the quorum for the meetings shall be three members of the Mess Committee with at least one of the nominated members
  • Decisions in the Mess Committee shall be taken by majority vote of those present and; voting in (hi. event of a tie, the Mess Secretary shall have a casting vote
  • The members shall choose by lots from amongst themselves a Mess Coordinator on rotation basis for a period of one month, the Mess Secretary under ordinary circumstances shall not act as Mess Coordinator, (e) any two members of the Mess Committee may in writing request the Mess Secretary to convene a meeting of the Mrs. Committee, the Mess Secretary shall convene such a meeting of the Committee within three days of receipt of such a request
  • The Mess Committee shall organize and run the mess on a cooperative basis under the general supervision of the Warden and do all acts necessary for (he purpose The Mess Committee shall look after the day to day operation of the Mess (menus, purchases and monthly accounts). The weekly/monthly menu and the cost of menu items at the current rate shall be determined by the Mess Committee The above mentioned tasks will be performed specifically by the Mess Coordinator for the particular month for winch he is the Coordinator Mess Coordinators are not full members of the Hostel Student Council, the Mess Secretary is.

Cultural Secretary

It shall be the duty of the Cultural Secretary to:

  • Organize and hold various social, cultural and other such functions and activities in the Hostel
  • Submit to the Hostel Office the original bills for all purchases made for the cultural activities of the Hostel in any given month within seven days of the end of the month, and to submit the original bills for the last period of the academic session by the last date of the academic session.

Sports Secretary

It shall be the duty of the Sports Secretary to:

  • Organize and conduct all games, sports and other such activities of the Hostel
  • Arrange for the purchase of equipment necessary to further those activities and to maintain a record of such equipment available In the Hostel and of additional purchases of equipment
  • Submit to the Hostel Office the original bills for all purchases made for the sports activities of the Hostel in any given month within seven days of the end of that month, and to submit the original bills for the last period of the academic session by the last date of the academic session.

Common Room Secretary

It shall be the duty of the Common Room Secretary to:

  • Authorize purchase of newspapers and magazines and organize a wall-magazine for the Common Room
  • Look after the maintenance and functioning of the Common Room: and (c) submit to the Hostel office the original bills for all purchases made for the Common Room in any given month within seven days of the end of that month, and to submit the original bills for the last period of the academic session by the last date of the academic session

Hostel Student Council Meetings

The quorum for meetings of the Hostel Student Council shall be three Student Council members:

  • The President shall convene meetings of the council by giving at least one day's notice in advance
  • The Council must meet at least once a month in the course of such meetings, each member should state what he has done since the last meeting and what he intends to do further till the next meeting and seek the approval of the Council
  • Any member of the Council may, in writing, request the President to convene a meeting of the Council; the President shall convene such meeting of the council within three days of the receipt of such a requisition
  • Decisions in the Council shall be taken by majority vote of the members present and in the event of a tie the President shall have a casting vote. Minutes of every meeting shall be prepared by the Vice-President and copy of the same be submitted to the Hostel office for record and displayed on the Hostel Notice Board.

General Body Meetings

The quorum for ordinary meetings of the General Body of the Hostel shall be 50 members while quorum for special meetings shall be 75 members:

  • Ordinarily the President shall convene meetings of the General Body whenever necessary, by giving notice in writing of such meeting and the agenda at least two days in advance
  • At least three such meetings must be held in a year and at least one in each term
  • If the President receives a written notice from the Mess Secretary, or any three members of the Mess Committee, calling for a General Body meeting to discuss matters for which the Mess Committee is responsible, or signed by at feast 40 members calling for a General body meeting, a meeting shall be called within five days of the date of receipt of such notice the agenda for such meetings shall be communicated to the residents by the president in the notice for convening the meeting
  • Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, proceedings in General Body meetings shall be decided by simple majority of those present and voting
  • Except in cases pertaining to voting on a motion of censure, voting in General Body meeting shall be decided ordinarily by show of hands, in the event of tie the President shall have a casting vote
  • Ordinarily the President shall preside over and conduct all meetings of the General Body, provided that where of General Body meeting has been convened to discuss a motion of censure against the President, the Vice President shall preside over and conduct such General Body meeting, office bearers of the Hostel Students Council shall not, without good reason, given in writing, miss any meeting of the General Body Censure:
    • A motion of censure may be moved against any office bearer of the Hostel Student Council by any member of the Hostel, provided that it has the support in writing of at least 50 members of the Hostel, and previous notice of such motion has been given to the office bearer concerned, to the Hostel Student Council through the President/Vice President, and to the Warden
    • Only reason for a motion of censure shall be the failure of the office bearer to fulfill his obligation or misuse of funds specific charges showing how the office bearer has defaulted on the above mentioned counts must be mentioned in the notice of the motion given to the office bearer concerned, to the Hostel Student Council and to the Warden
    • The President/Vice President shall, with prior permission of the Warden, convene special meeting of the General Body within seven days of receipt of such notice in order to discuss the motion of censure, and shall give three day's advance written notice of such special General Body meeting, he shall also notify in detail the reason, date, time and location of the meeting
    • Voting on motions of censure shall be by secret ballot the motion shall require to be passed by a majority of two thirds of the members present and voting
    • In the event of censure motion being passed, the office bearer concerned shall cease to hold office forthwith.

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