Vidya Vistar

Delhi University’s Vidya Vistar initiative is based on the principles of mutual respect, cooperation, and sharing between colleges/ departments of the universities as equal partners. It aims to maximize the utilization of existing resources available with the universities, through academic collaboration and cooperation.
E- LAUNCH: Vidya Vistar scheme's journey at Hindu College began with its E- Launch in collaboration with the three North- East Colleges i.e. Dorjee Khandu Government College; Arunachal Pradesh, Nar Bahadur Bhandari Government College; Sikkim, and North Kamrup College; Assam on 25th April 2022 at 10 A.M. in the presence of distinguished chief guest Mr. Pema Khandu, honorable CM of Arunachal Pradesh. Other dignitaries from Hindu College, partner Colleges, and officials from Delhi University also graced the event.
ORIENTATION PROGRAMME: On 11th May 2022, Hindu College, University of Delhi, partnered with three North-East Colleges of India, North Kamrup College, Assam, Nar Bahadur Bhandari Government College, Sikkim and Dorjee khandu Government College, Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh, organized its first Vidya Vistar orientation program on zoom platform and streamed it live on YouTube. The event was attended by the principals, nodal officers, faculty members, and student volunteers of the respective colleges.
OPEN ACCESS E- RESOURCES: Hindu college in collaboration with its North-East partnering colleges organized a workshop on "Open Access E-Resources" on three respective days. On 29th June 2022 with North Kamrup College, Assam; 30th June 2022 with Nar Bahadur Bhandari Government College, Sikkim, and 1st July 2022 with Dorjee Khandu Government College, Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh. On each day the program was attended by the Librarian, IQAC coordinator, assistant coordinators, Nodal Officer, and student volunteers.
OVERCOMING LOW SELF-ESTEEM: Hindu College, in partnership with the Internal Complaints Committee, organized a two-day workshop on the topic "Overcoming Low Self Esteem" from 31st August to 1st September 2022, at 4: 30 P.M. via the online Zoom platform. Miss Radhika Bali was the key speaker of the workshop. She is a great personality sculptor, renowned Entrepreneur, Image Consultant, and founder and director of AKS by Radhika.
9th JANUARY 2023, VIDYA VISTAR EVENT: Hindu College on 9th January 2023, organized its first in-person Vistar Vistar Scheme event in collaboration with one of its partner colleges i.e. Dorjee Khandu Government College, Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh. Dr. Reammy Mega; the Nodal officer, Dr. Dorjee Yangjom, assistant professor in the political science department, and ten student volunteers from the partner college came for an educational excursion at Hindu College. It was a full-day event from 10 A.M. till 5 P.M.
ECOFEMINISM AND THE EPICS: North Kamrup College under Vidya Vistar Scheme in collaboration with Hindu College, University of Delhi organized a workshop on the topic "Ecofeminism and the Epics" on 21st December, 2022 at 11 A.M. via the online meet platform. Dr. Ananya Barua, Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy and Nodal Officer, V2 Scheme was the key speaker of the workshop. The workshop was attended by Prof. Jyotiraj Pathak, Principal of North Kamrup Government College, Assam, Miss Reena Jain, Vice Principal of Hindu College.
FOUNDER'S DAY EVENT: On the occasion of Founder's Day, Hindu College held on 15th February, 2023, Amitabh Kant graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. He visited the Vidya Vistar stall and talked about the outreach collaboration between North East region and Hindu College. 3 volunteers David, Shlok and Mann represented the V2 Scheme.
MOVIE SCREENING: WDC (Women Development Cell) collaborated with the North-East Cell, HCQC (Hindu College Queer Collective) and Vidya Vistar for an online movie screening of the movie called ‘Bulbul Can Sing’. This coming-of-age story directed by the exceptional Rima Das showcases the lives of three rural Assamese teenagers, fighting their way through the patriarchal and regressive societal structures. The screening was followed by a discussion.
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