Hindu College Counselling Centre
Ms.Mukul Arora-College Counsellor
Hindu College Counselling Centre works on the principle of 'Happy Mind. Happy Life.' In this endeavor, College Counsellor reaches out to people from every walk of life including students, faculty members, administrative staff and workers. Orientation talk was held by College Counsellor for the students, who had newly joined the college, on 25th September, 2019. Since the college receives students from across the country, they were orientedregarding counselling services in Hindu College and provided support in order to help them make smooth transition from school to college life, as well as adapting to the life style of a metro city like Delhi. Hindu College Counselling Centre joined hands with Buniyaad-Civil Services Forum (Hindu College) and Ramjas UPSC wing, to organize the seminar on 'How to prepare for UPSC', held on 4th October, 2019 .Further, an effort was made to reach out to every student in the college by conducting department – wise interactive sessions with the students of all three years. In January-February, 2020, departments of Economics, Mathematics , Physics , Physical Sciences(with Electronics) and History were covered and students guided on common concerns such as Time Management, Career Planning , managing social media and technology affectively and developing study skills. Regular hostel visits are, also, conducted by the College Counsellor in order to ensurethe well-being of students based in them.In collaboration with a college society, around 20 students were trained as 'Peer Counsellors' by the College Counsellor. Hindu College Counselling Centre actively provides personal-social and career counseling on individual basis and in complete confidential set-up. It also engages in family counseling as and when required and provides guidance related to emergency services.
Hindu College Counselling Centre (HCCC) is organising a 2-days Online Teacher-Training Program
"Building Effective Counselor-Teacher Synergy"
under the aegis of ManoDarpan, an initiative of the Ministry of Education, Govt. of India. College Teaching staff is requested to register through following link: https://forms.gle/3HKXG7FcmFLPe5Cm7
Hindu College Counselling Centre (HCCC) is organising a 2-days Online Teacher-Training Program
"Building Effective Counselor-Teacher Synergy"
under the aegis of ManoDarpan, an initiative of the Ministry of Education, Govt. of India. College Teaching staff is requested to register through following link: https://forms.gle/3HKXG7FcmFLPe5Cm7
"Release of the HCCC Post- ManoDrishti- A Vision of Mind"
"Inviting registration & competitive entries for VIRTUAL MENTAL HEALTH SUMMIT 2021"
"Announcing MENTAL HEALTH SUMMIT 2021"
"National Conference on Career & Well-Being organised by Manodarpan, Ministry of Education in collaboration with Hindu College Counselling Centre"
"Inviting submissions for 2nd edition of the HCCC digital magazine : MANODRISHTI - A VISION OF MIND , issue #2"
"Release of the HCCC Post : MANODRISHTI - A VISION OF MIND , issue #1 on the World Mental Health Day, 10th October,2020"
Virtual Advocacy Summit on Mental Health on 10th October 2020
Dear friends,
On eve of WORLD MENTAL HEALTH DAY ´2020, we invite you to participate in the VIRTUAL ADVOCACY SUMMIT on Mental Health
“Empowering Mental Health: Let's Invest"
organised by Hindu College Counselling Centre (HCCC) in collaboration with National Cadet Corps (NCC) & North East Cell (NEC), Hindu College.
Hindu College students, teaching & non-teaching staff are requested to join hands in celebrating this unique and significant day by clicking on the link below:
Date: 10th October,2020
Time: 11.30 am onwards
Meeting Url: https://meet.google.com/wbf-rccx-xwt
The event will include drawings, music, songs, and much more through which we will *SPEAK our MIND* advocating the significance of investing in mental health.
For further information refer to the poster
or kindly contact:
Cadet Pooja, National Cadet Corps: 6377335832
Sampriti (President, North East Cell): 8723910079
** This programme comes under the aegis of IQAC,Hindu College |
VIRTUAL ADVOCACY SUMMIT on Mental Health: "Empowering Mental Health: Let´s Invest" scheduled on 10th October 2020
प्रिय मित्रों,
क्या आपने कभी अपने स्वयं के मानसिक स्वास्थ्य के साथ संघर्ष किया है?
क्या आप किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति को जानते हैं जो इससे प्रभावित हुआ है?
क्या आप बस मानते हैं कि मानसिक स्वास्थ्य में निवेश करना सही है?
यदि हाँ, तो, हम आपको * स्वास्थ्य पर * अतिरिक्त प्रवेश सारांश * में भाग लेने के लिए आमंत्रित करते हैं:
"" मानसिक स्वास्थ्य को सशक्त बनाना: पत्र निवेश "
* राष्ट्रीय कैडेट कोर (NCC) * और * नॉर्थ ईस्ट सेल (NEC), हिंदू कॉलेज * के सहयोग से * Hindu College Counselling Centre (HCCC) * द्वारा आयोजित * 10th अक्टूबर, 2020 * को आयोजित किया जाना।
प्रतिभागी: हिंदू कॉलेज के छात्र, शिक्षण और गैर-शिक्षण कर्मचारी
आपसे अनुरोध है कि आप अपने संदेश, लेख, राइट-अप, ड्रॉइंग, संगीत, गीत या जो भी महसूस करें, उसे साझा कर सकते हैं। मानसिक स्वास्थ्य में निवेश के महत्व की वकालत * कर सकते हैं।
नीचे दिए गए Google फॉर्म लिंक के माध्यम से प्रविष्टियाँ * 5 अक्टूबर, 2020 तक साझा की जा सकती हैं:
कृपया ध्यान दें: 1) आप अपना नाम गुमनाम रख सकते हैं। हम आपके नाम का खुलासा किए बिना आपकी पोस्ट साझा करेंगे। कि हम से एक प्रतिबद्धता है!
2) सभी छात्र प्रतिभागियों को भागीदारी के प्रमाण पत्र से सम्मानित किया जाएगा।
3) सर्वश्रेष्ठ 3 प्रविष्टियों के लिए CASH PRIZE, शिखर सम्मेलन के दौरान 10 अक्टूबर को घोषित किया जाएगा
अधिक जानकारी के लिए, कृपया संपर्क करें:
लम्हा कुमार (सीनियर कैडेट कैप्टन, नेशनल कैडेट कॉर्प्स): 9910249121
संप्रति (अध्यक्ष, उत्तर पूर्व सेल): 8723910079 |
Mental health campaign, "EMPOWERING MENTAL HEALTH : Let's Invest"
MHRD launches MANODARPAN - Psychosocial support to students for their mental health & well-being
A webinar is being conducted for the cadets of NCC, Hindu College on the topic, *Happy Mind Happy Life* by Venika Krishna Ma'am, the College Counsellor.
The details of the webinar are
*Date- Monday, 22 June 2020*
*Time- 11 am*
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 741 8049 4006
Password: 2TXccd
Webinar: "Unraveling ME"
Hello Friends from Economics & Sociology Depts.,
"To the weak, difficulty is a closed door. To the strong, however, it is a door waiting to
be opened. "
How aptly these words describe today's times, highlighting the significance of how we
perceive a given situation. Everything is determined by our attitude, by our resolve.
How significant it is to utilize these unprecedented times as an opportunity to be knowing
our true self, that would, eventually open wide doors to a bright and gratifying future.
"Unraveling 'Me'"
Friends! I would be discussing this unique topic on
date 17th June,2020 at 3.30 pm via ZOOM meeting
Feel free to put forth your query during discussion, verbally or texting me privately, then.
See you then,
Dr.Venika Krishna
College Counsellor
Hindu College
Hello Friends from Physics Dept.!!
"Self-Care : Key to Happiness"
How relevant it is to today´s times. i.e. to learn and exert to face
our challenges, storms, so that to glow like a rainbow!!
We all are facing the most challenging times of our lives,
overloaded with emotions, our relationships fluctuating,
monotonous lives marked with confusion and certain
uncertainties. Thus, it becomes more imperative to work on
Friends! Let's interact at
date 11th June,2020 at 3.30 pm via ZOOM meeting
to discuss the significance of self-care and how we can engage in
the same.
Looking forward to meeting you,
Dr.Venika Krishna
College Counselor
Hindu College
Delhi University
"Coping with challenges during Corona times"
Hello Friends from History Dept.!!
"If You want to be the Rainbow, you must know how to
put up with Rain"
Recently, I came across this quote and felt how relevant it is to
today's times. i.e. if we can learn and exert to face our
challenges, storms, we can be a rainbow!!
We all are facing the most challenging times of our lives,
overloaded with emotions, our relationships fluctuating, exams
rocking and future seemingly bleak.
Friends! I would like to share my views with you all,
regarding your concerns on
date 10th June,2020 at 3.30 pm via ZOOM meeting
Feel free to put forth your query during discussion, verbally or
texting me privately, then.
See you then,
Dr.Venika Krishna
College Counselor
Hindu College
Delhi University
In wake of covid-19 and subsequent directive from Delhi Govt and DU, Hindu College Counselling Centre would like to inform that along with whatsapp, SMS, email platforms, college counsellor will be available for counselling sessions via video-conferencing and Skype between 10.00 am to 9.00 pm, Monday to Saturday.
Feel free to contact herfor the same on below mentioned details.
Wishing you the best of health!!
Dr.Venika Krishna
College Counselor
Hindu College
Delhi University
Skype ID: venikakrishna90
Social Distancing-Changing Poison into Medicine
Dear friends,
Hope you all are keeping fine and taking good care of yourself, amidst this attack of invisible enemy ́covid-19. As we all know that the only way to combat this virus is ́social distancing, which means staying up at homeand not going out to meet our friends.
I know, it ́s tough to do so, not to party, not to venture out and sit at home 24*7, especially when we are out of habit of sitting with our family members for such a long period. I know, you must be desperately missing out your college, your canteen, your playground, your hostel room and maybe even your lecture room – all your happy spaces.
This might prove to be quite boredom, leading to anxiety, frustration, anger, irritability and eventually making us run out of our patience!! Especially when we might be all the time checked upon, our waking – sleeping time being questioned upon, and being flooded with n number of queries regarding our habits, academics and maybe career plans. And when we have no place that could rescue us from all this, we feel all together going low, restless and maybe stressed. In such a scenario, we are compelled to think if it ́s the virus that'́s our enemy or these social distancing norms which are driving us insane.
Friends! Believe me, currently weare all sailing in same boat and we have no choice but to transform ́covid-19 ́poison into medicine-by making most of self-isolation ́ mode. Let me share few tips to cope this challenging task:
- Establish a daily routine- Start your day with greeting your family members, followed by a lukewarm glass of water and then practicing yoga/meditation/exercise.
- Balance your daily routine– Avoiding going out doesn'́t mean you cannot have fun!! Engage in activities like music, aerobics, dancing on your favorite numbers, playing Ludo, Chess with your family members or even giving rest to your mom and taking charge of kitchen for a day! I suggest settinga side 2-3 windows of 20 minutes each, daily, for such relaxing activities.
- Set your daily goals– for course studies, work from home, reading novels, NETFLIX time, video-chatting, Instagram, virtual games. But, above all, find time to engage in small chit-chats with your parents and other family members.
- Identify the triggers that makes you feel low- This is the right time to reflect on them and sincerely look for the ways to manage/handle them. One suggestion is to reach out virtually, someone you trustand who could be non-judgmental and lend you a patient ear. One such person is your Counsellor.
- Eat healthy, sleep more and smile beauteously
Friends!! Let ́s transform this '́Self-isolation' ́ mode into the best time to '́
Know our self' ́- to know our strengths, weaknesses, interests, and what we aspire in our lives. Let'́s count our blessings for being with ourloved ones, when at such a crucial time, there are so many parents just longing to seetheir children. It can be the best time to connect to our value system, invest in our family bonds and initiate some life-time memorable moments.
Hence, changing poison of covid-19 into medicine
Making Best out of Lockdown
Our students sharing their hearts and how they are coping with ́Lockdown ́:
"Things are becoming quite boring and irritating. Instagram is so much funnow! Literally, we all do some sort of challenge everyday. I STARTED THE ORANGE CHALLENGE!! I dress up to go out to the balcony and change clothes to go to the kitchen. My parents are so much fed up of me that they are starting to find the humorin anything I say. Any mistake and they say 'YEH SAB TUMHARE WO PHONE KE WAJAH SE HUA ́'. "
́-Srikhant, 1st year student
"I've been reading a lot along with syllabus and writing something in bits and pieces. Also, baking keeps me happy and am helping Papa in his garden."
-Bhaswati, 2nd year student
"I don't like staying at home for long time and it's a pain, surrounded by people, who neither understand you nor even try to, even in this time. Still, I am working, doesn't matter how much, in such conditions. I've completed an online course on SQL."
-3rd year student(name withheld on request)
"I can't sleep, eat, study and am mentally disturbed. I usually handle things but since the lockdown, I noticed I am losing myself."
-Student based in P.G(name withheld on request)
"I have always been interested in fashion, so started a projecton that. I am also trying to find a website to learn French, so that my evenings are occupied. Also, preparing for my interview for MBA, which will be through Skype. I am working on myself instead of focusing on bad stuff. This has helped me a lot."
-Atlanta, 3rd year student
"I'am working on my skills, reading a book and using social media. I took an initiative of building up my habits in these 21 days. I stopped reading news because I started taking lots of stress."
-Manju, 2nd year student
"From helping Papa in farms (he's a farmer) to helping my mother(a homemaker),I do everything at home. Also, I got an interview call from IIM Nagpur and ampreparing for it. Along with this, I sometimes watch movies and I'́m reading MEIN KAMPH."
-Ayush, 3rd year student
"I wake up late in the morning and complete my internship work. After that I complete my pending assignments and all college related academic stuff. In evening, I spent 2 hours for yoga and exercises. Then,I teach my brother. After dinner, I use social media followed by dancing in my room. After that I prepare for JAM. So, basically, this lockdown is helping me in doing all those stuff for which I didn't get time earlier."
-Jyoti, 3rd year student