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General Announcements

General Announcements

Details of Balance of Examination Fee Payable by 4th and 6th Semester Hindu College Students

The 4th and 6th semester students are requested to fill/edit the above form as follows:
This form is to be filled by only those 4th and 6th semester students of Hindu College who have not selected all their papers while filling the examination form and hence also have certain balnce of examination fees still to be paid by them. 
These students have to pay the balance of examination fee at the Principal Hindu College Fee Account link. While paying the examination fees please select Exam Fees as the course name and in place of father's name write your exam roll no. 
Also, enter the amount paid and transaction ID in this Google Form along with other details. 
Exam Fees link
On Monday, 3rd April 2023 students should visit college admin office and submit the receipt of exam fee paid to Principal Hindu College Fee Account (Name, Exam Roll No, Course and Semester should be written at the back of the printout) and get their remaining papers added.
The students should ensure that they fill correct information and fee details in this form.
Please note:

There are five papers in 4th semester for which fees payable is Rs. 500. Extra fees of Rs 200 per paper is payable for every paper with practicals.
For 6th semester there are four papers and fees payable is Rs 400. Extra fees of Rs 200 per paper is payable for every paper with practicals.

For Students who have paid Fees and it is not reflecting on portal:
Those who have already paid the fees, they can check status of their fees:
1. Click on Students -> Fee -> All transactions.
2. Check the status by clicking on the last column. If it is updated with the transaction details and date etc. then the fee is paid.
The students should contact eazypay for receipt and submit the same in admin office, with their exam roll no, course, semester written on the back.

For students who are not in Delhi on Monday 3rd April 2023, and wish to get their papers added to their exam form:
They should write a mail to authorizing a friend to get their papers added.
The friend should come to the office with this mail and receipt of fees paid as detailed in the google form for payment of balance examination fees.


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