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Hindu College Societies
Hindu College Societies Details

Samhita - The Language,Literature and Cultural Society

Samhita: The Language, Literature and Cultural Society

Samhita, the Language, Literature and Cultural Society of Hindu College, is one of the oldest and popular societies of the College. The society was incorporated into the collective of societies at Hindu College in 2007. True to its name, Samhita aims to provide a platform for all the societies to showcase their performances. Besides this, it covers not only cultural events, but also language and literature related events. The society also collaborates with literary departments and other societies of the college to bring forth presentations, debates, performances, symposiums etc. to encourage students to study the literature and languages thoroughly. This exercise also imbibes a sense of initiate and pride to be able to come up with innovative presentations.

A wide range of activities and endeavours have been taken up by Samhita at Hindu College since its inception. It has been steadfast with raising awareness towards the development and significance of language, literature and culture.

Language, literature and culture are indispensable to the development of human society. Literature is the best tool to explore and express ideas, emotions and experiences. It provides insight into different cultures, historical periods, and human nature. These have an even greater role in a student’s life and Samhita is committed to facilitating this by conducting regular sessions, events, symposiums, transcript readings. The students develop wider field of vision for looking into the society and the world around, they develop new perspectives and gain insights into various matters.

Along with the various flagship events, sessions, discussions, debates, symposiums, the society also publishes a dedicated bi-monthly magazine, Qaasid, meaning the messenger of god. The magazine was launched around the lockdown period in 2020, when the college was completely shut down. The magazine aims to catch up with the monthly happenings with different cultural and literature elements.


Faculty Advisor

Dr Bimlendu Tirthankar


Office Bearers

President: Sneha J

Vice President: Priyanshi Soni

Treasurer: Bajrang


Instagram handle for Samhita

Link to our magazine Qaasid:




Activities at a Glance



Samhita has had an eventful schedule in the recent years.


Jashn-e-Hindu, one of the major flagship events of the society, as the name suggests is the celebration of Hindu College. The last time it was conducted, it cast light on leadership in various fields by renowned personalities. Featuring the likes of Manoj Muntashir, Anna Hazare, Meenakshi Lekhi, Ravindra Singh, Mukesh Khanna, RJ Raunac among many others, the conference intended on providing a deeper insight to the students into various industries and fields, ranging from from politics to social work to entertainment. The Society also conducted Abhivyakti-2022 where the society provided a platform for various performances in collaboration with dance, music, and theatre societies of various other colleges. Music, dance, and poetry competitions were also held. The event was a great success and was held as one of the firsts among many in the newly built Sanganeria Auditorium. It achieved success of showcasing the talent of dancers, singers and poets of Hindu College.


The society inaugurated its annual events with a poetry writing and slogan writing competition under the aegis of “Azaadi ka Amrit Mahatsav”. This was followed by a panel discussion on cultural difference and resulting stereotypes in which all were welcome to keep their view points, voice their opinions and build comprehension. A bilingual discussion was held on 6th January, 2023 with writer-mythologist Devdutt Pattanaik on “Mythology, History, Fiction and Literature”. Another discussion session was held on 13th January with speaker Neil D’Silva on the theme “The Regional Folklores and Elements of Paranomativity”.

The society also celebrated “Matrabhasha Diwas” where vernacular topics and themes were discussed.

Apart from these events, we also released our social media series “Kalamkaar” on illustrious Indian authors like Premchand, Padma Sachdev, KM Munshi among notable others.

One of the flagship events of the society, Alfaaz: Daastan Lafzo Ki, held in April 2023, emphasises the power of words. Words have the power to influence indiscriminately. Alfaaz focuses on the impact of words in shaping one’s mindset.

Alfaaz was conducted properly in offline mode for the first time since the pandemic that hit the world.

The event was delightful, highlighting the various facets of art and culture. We had the honour of having Ms. Saloni Agarwal-an artist having received numerous awards for her contributions to the art world-join us. Mr. Sanjeet Gangani, a Kathak dancer and a tabla player, with a deep knowledge of pakhawaj and vocal music, graced the event with his presence. Mr. Naveen Chaudhary, author of some of the best-selling Hindi novels such as ‘Dhai Chaal’, ‘Janta Store’ joined us along with Ms. Niharika Safaya- a filmmaker, author and a renowed Kuchipudi dancer and helped make our event a great success.

Alfaaz ’23 proved to be a great success, setting the tone for future events.


The bi-monthly magazine of Samhita, Qaasid had its two editions released this year, the latest being the March-April one. It covered a range of themes from some untold stories to some deeply profound poems written by students.

This year, despite facing many challenges, Samhita was successfully lived up to its expectations and continues its legacy of being one of the most vibrant and active societies of Hindu College.

The most crucial highlight of the society with all its events and activities is that it gives an opportunity to embrace and appreciate diversities.



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